Fasalya Tower is what I guess could in Saudi terms be called a skyscraper and one of the landmarks of Riyadh. It’s a tall building right in the center of the city and on top of the building there’s a ball, which is actually a fine dining restaurant. Here’s a picture to illustrate:

After the weird semi-encounter with the muttawa downstairs we took a lift to the restaurant, sat down and were brought hot towels to wipe our hands with. At this time, the waiter turns to me and says: “Madam, you may take your abaya off”. My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour thinking “oh god, oh god… this can’t be happening… no, no, no”. The reason? At every other restaurant in Riyadh, even at FourSeasons, western women are asked to keep their abayas on. So, I wasn’t exactly dressed for an evening at a nice restaurant underneath that abaya. Let it be officially known that I have now dined in a fine dining restaurant in golden stiletto heels, gym pants and a faded t-shirt. Very comfortable if you don’t count the shoes, and best of all… no-one ever knew but hubby.
After the weird semi-encounter with the muttawa downstairs we took a lift to the restaurant, sat down and were brought hot towels to wipe our hands with. At this time, the waiter turns to me and says: “Madam, you may take your abaya off”. My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour thinking “oh god, oh god… this can’t be happening… no, no, no”. The reason? At every other restaurant in Riyadh, even at FourSeasons, western women are asked to keep their abayas on. So, I wasn’t exactly dressed for an evening at a nice restaurant underneath that abaya. Let it be officially known that I have now dined in a fine dining restaurant in golden stiletto heels, gym pants and a faded t-shirt. Very comfortable if you don’t count the shoes, and best of all… no-one ever knew but hubby.